
Saying Sorry Is Just Not Enough

Saying Sorry Is Just Not Enough

Yes, we all commit mistakes and we do apologize for it. The word sorry is made to accept one’s’ mistake and apologize for the same. But there are times when saying sorry is just not enough. You need to do more than merely being sorry.

Saying Sorry Is Just Not Enough
Saying Sorry Is Just Not Enough |

If you are a leader or are in a managerial position you need to act upon your mistakes. Remember, blame game will not help you out. There are things that are out of control and mistakes might have occurred. So what next?

How to sort the matter out?

If you want to sort out the problem and do not want to lose the person. It is better to admit your fault and say a sorry. You do not have to wait for the other person to approach you. As a leader you need to have a big heart. You can meet the person and apologize for your mistake. But, if you have hurt the person to a larger extent, what do you do.

You can accept your mistake publicly. It is not easy for a leader to publicly accept the mistake. And, trust us, your sorry will immediately be accepted. You can send a flower bouquet with a sorry note. Add a personalized message that has beautiful words. These words must touch the person instantly such that he/she is ready to forgive you.

Change your actions:

You can change your action next time. For example: In the annual meeting if you forgotten to praise the employee, you can do it next time or say send an email to everyone appreciating the concerned person. This is one way to sort out things.

Sometimes sorry becomes a mere 5 letter word. Your actions will speak on your behalf. Do try out these things and ensure that all the hard feelings and grudges are out.

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