‘Monday Blues’ can be described as a negative emotion that strikes you right when you get up on Monday every week and when you feel like you life is not good and all you want to do is sleep or sit quietly or may be scream without any reason. Actually the reason behind this grumpy feeling is, after a relaxing weekend our body asks for more rest and it doesn’t want to come out of it’s comfort zone!
Ahh! It happens with everyone. Isn’t it? But not me! I know how to beat the money day blues and here’s the list of 9 sure shot ways how you can beat the Monday blues too!

1) Prepare for Monday on Friday (or may be, Saturday) so that when you get up on Monday, you actually will have enough time to sit, breathe and relax!
2) Make a list of things that make you feel happy. Include that in your Monday morning routine. (like, I love to listen soft music and I play it on the TV when I get up on Monday)
3) Wear your favorite outfit.
4) Eat your favorite breakfast.
5) Don’t burden yourself with work on Monday. Keep your schedule for Monday a little light. Shift your meetings to Tuesday and if it can’t be postponed to the next day, then shift to the second half of the day at least.
6) Make a great and fun post-work plan.
7) Have some fun with your pet.
8) Talk to your best friend and laugh.
9) Stay calm and positive. Think, it’s just a DAY that is called as MONDAY. Not a big deal! 😉