5 Law of Attraction Books to Transform Your Life for better: Not just writing, but I also love reading. When I was in school I used to read fiction, with time I started reading non-fiction books – mainly self-help and biographies. Like millions of people from all across the world, I also heard about the Law of Attraction after reading this book The Secret. I was so intrigued and became so curious (since I was already an astronomy lover), I started researching more. Even our Hindu granths and epics state about this law of the universe.
When bhagwan Krishna said, karm kar phal ki iccha mat kar, this actually meant you do the action and then let it go, and the universe will give you what you deserve!
If you are new to this law, I can say, either you can learn someone who is already a practitioner and have seen result, or read good law of attraction books to understand it. In this post, I am sharing 5 best law of attraction books that you can read to learn this law in a perfect way and change your life for better.
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5 Law of Attraction Books to Transform Your Life for better

1. The Secret:
We obviously had to start with this book. Written by Rhonda Byrne, this book comes in 3 parts- The secret, The magic, The power with each book explaining different aspects of the law of attraction. But if you are newbie, I would suggest you to start with The Secret and it covers mostly everything about this miraculous law.
2. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
This is a very practical and scientific explanation to the law of attraction. It is written by Joseph Murphy who is a PhD in Psychology from the University of Southern California. This is one of the most popular books to understand the process of manifestation and helps you improve your life in aspects whether be relationships, money, family, healthy etc.
3. Law of Attraction
Written by Indian authors Mitesh Khatri and Indu Khatri, this law of attraction book helps you understand all the aspects of this law and the universe. It is written in a very simple language and can be understood by people whose native language is not english.
4. Thought Vibration
This book is written by William Walker Atkinson, helps you understand how your thoughts effect your life and how you can understand and raise your thought vibrations to manifest almost anything in your life.
5. Think and grow rich
One of the OLDEST books about law of attraction, think and grow rich, written by Napoleon hill, was first published in 1937. Many other books are based on what this book says. This book makes you re-wire your thought process and help you manifest abundance along with all the good things in life that universe has to offer. A MUST READ!
Hope this helps!
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Good News! I am now teaching the Law of attraction and manifestation hacks that have worked for me over the years and coach people to implement in their daily lives. If you too wish learn Law of attraction, have doubts about it, learn about vision boards, affirmations, switchwords, energy circles and miracle codes or wish to clear your doubts about Law of attraction and manifestation techniques OR if you have been trying hard but Law of attraction is still not working for you and you want to understand what is wrong, then fill the form below to book an appointment and my team will get back with the details.
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